Making Data for Development work: Exploring Drivers for Development Data in Kenya
18th June 2019
The Africa Open Data Fellowship Launched In Four African Countries
29th July 2019
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Claude Migisha, Rwanda

Claude K. Migisha is a Technologist based in Rwanda with over a decade of experience in the areas of ICT innovation management, ICT project design and management, ICT capacity building and the integration of ICT into international development initiatives (ICT4D). He has driven the adoption of technology in sectors ranging from education, health, agriculture, citizen engagement, gender empowerment and financial inclusion working with organisations such as The MasterCard Foundation, The World Bank, Jhpiego – an affiliate to John Hopkins University, GSMA, The UN Foundation, The World Wide Web Foundation and Oxfam amongst others. He also worked on the Open Data Barometer as a researcher for the 3rd and 4th editions. Claude holds a MSc in ICT and Development from The University of Manchester, UK as a Chevening Scholar.


Dr. Worku Alemu, Ethiopia

Dr. Worku Alemu lives in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia with an extensive professional experience spanning over 15 years in Information Technology and data technology including in software development, conducting research and implementing data-intensive solutions, consulting and implementation of large scale end-to-end information systems. He has consulted for both government and non-governmental organizations, such as UNECA & The Partnership for Aflatoxin Control in Africa (PACA), in managing their data resources and implementing the right data management and dissemination platforms. He has also been teaching Software Engineering, Programming, Database and Knowledge Management in Addis Ababa University as well at the College of Telecommunications and Information Technology. Worku holds a PhD in Computer Science, a Masters Degree in Information Science and a Bachelor’s Degree in Statistics.

Amos Simche Lansana, Sierra Leone

Amos Lansana is a practising Barrister & Solicitor based in Freetown, Sierra Leone. He has always had an interest in the way governments are run, how to ensure good governance and would like to explore the nexus between open data and governance. Amos graduated with a Bachelor of Laws (LLB Honours) from the University of Sierra Leone in 2017 and was admitted to the bar in 2018. He is also an avid musician, has released a number of songs, and in January 2019 founded and incorporated the Entertainment Company Simplay (SL) Limited.

Sulekha Adan, Kenya

Sulekha Adan is an experienced Project Manager, and Information Technology professional based in Kenya. She has over 10 years of experience serving in corporate, Government both national and sub-national and the non-governmental organization (NGO) sectors in Kenya. She is interested in harnessing the data revolution to drive development outcomes, especially for sub-national governments. Sulekha has also served as a part-time lecturer in Management Information Systems at the University of Nairobi. She holds a Bachelors’ degree in Information Technology from Jomo Kenyatta University of Agriculture and Technology, a Master of Arts degree in project planning and Management from the University of Nairobi and is currently pursuing her PhD in Business Management – Strategic Management option from Jomo Kenyatta University of Agriculture and Technology on The Influence of Strategic Controls on County Governments in Kenya.



  1. Jean Cossi GANGLO says:

    That is great. I would lke to join the community

  2. Abdikadir Adan Abdulla says:

    congratulation to you Suleqa and your colleagues in the different countries

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