In the past we explored the possible positive impact of convening data users and producers along thematic or utilitarian lines as data communities and how these data communities can form national multi-stakeholder partnerships on development data. We have also explored how convening domain experts to address data availability and dissemination in order to address the challenge of measuring progress against regionally agreed indicators could help support policy and resource mobilization to strengthen data and statistics ecosystems.

LDRI shall continue to apply multi-stakeholder spaces in this way as opportunities to catalyse action through dialogue and support inclusive policy processes to support sustainable development and strengthening of the African data ecosystem.

Our Current Work:


The African Open Data Network (AODN) Is a community of Africans and Friends of Africa who believe in the continent’s development agenda and how open data can make it a reality. Read more


Big Data for Development (BD4D) Research Network is a Southern-led partnership with the objective of developing policy relevant research on big data for development that is conceptualized and implemented by Southern organizations. The network acts to develop capacity amongst researchers from the Global South, focusing on activities linked to the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and to those that address gender related issues. Read more

  • We are on the Kenya Open Government Partnership (OGP) Steering Committee

The Open Government Partnership is a multilateral initiative that provides a platform for government and civil society organizations to create National Actions Plans (NAPs) with commitments to make governments more open, accountable, and responsive to citizens. LDRI currently sits on Kenya’s OGP steering that guides the direction of OGP in the country and development of NAPs .


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