Data for Development in Africa

Good data is a critical ingredient in sound development policy and implementation. Our Data for Development Practice is particularly interested in understanding the drivers for development data and the development and use of Artificial Intelligence. We are interested in ways through which data-informed decisions can be part of business as usual in Africa’s governments.

The practice explores three main aspects of data in development.

  • Strengthening the enabling environment for AI and development data. This aspect of our work examines policy and regulatory frameworks, civic space and the international normative frameworks that provide an enabling environment for new technologies. 
  • Growth in human capital development. Data, even when generated by automated or articial intelligence systems , needs human beings with the skills, understanding and infrastructure to use and share the data.
  • Sustainable financing for data. While data generation, use and dissemination are core to government, the funding for this is in many instances in constant jeopardy. This is mostly because development data, which includes crucial surveys such as DHS and Integrated Household and Budget surveys, are mostly funded by overseas development partners. 

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