We have provided technology support to civil society organistions to support their efforts to mobilise and disemminate information better. The African Working Group on Post 2015 and the SDG Kenya Forum are two such organisations. We also continue to support the African Union Commission’s Department of Economic Affairs with technology support to strengthen the Statistics Division’s data and statistics dissemination as part of a multi-year agreement between the two institutions. In 2016 we will support both government and non governmental organisations that are seeking to publish their data online in ways that facilitate discoverability and searchability of their data products.

LDRI continues to provide technology and data literacy support to current partners and will launch technology capacity building initiatives to add value to the work both state and non-state actors are doing to deliver agriculture-led industrialisation in Africa.

We also conceptualize and implement tech for development projects that have potential to valuably contribute to sustainable development in Africa.

Our Projects:


MazaoPlus+ is an innovative data platform being piloted in Murang’a County, Kenya. It collects and shares fertilizer supply and demand data i.e. fertilizer price, type, availability etc) from fertilizer vendors to smallholder farmers with the aim of reducing market inefficiencies. Read more





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