Implementation of Africa’s development agenda necessitates research that produces actionable insights for policy makers on the continent. LDRI’s approach to policy research has a strong bias towards immediately actionable outputs whose implementation we are committed to support.

In the past, we have studied Kenya’s long-term development plan, Vision 2030, and it’s medium term plan as a framework for implementation of the Comprehensive Africa Agriculture Development Program (CAADP), Agenda 2063 and the Sustainable Development Goals. The next phase of the study shall explore similar frameworks in two more African countries in order understand the interface between international development agendas and the nation state’s development planning and implementation mechanisms.

LDRI’s team has also explored a possible framework for assessing resilience-building programs in Africa as part of on-going research on agricultural resilience. The blog posts can be read here

We continue to conduct research and generate data on the state of data on the continent with specific focus on the capability of member states to plan implementation and track progress of interventions to address the targets of Agenda 2063, the SDGs and thematic development instruments such as the Malabo Declaration on Accelerated Agricultural Growth and The Protocol to the African Charter on Human and Peoples’ Rights on the Rights of Women in Africa (Maputo Protocol).

You can see findings and discussions from our research on our blog, our recent work and on Statistics Africa, a platform that hosts data and scorecards produced by the Local Development Research Institute’s project teams.

Our outputs:

  • The 5i Framework: Assessing Resilience Building Initiatives in Africa

The 5i framework explores how information, interdependence, intervention, insurance and investment contribute to resilience building, building resilience in agriculture and further how agriculture in Africa can be the foundation upon which we build societies that are more resilient and better equipped to deal with disasters disasters.

Download paper here

  • Rethinking Intra-Africa Trade Through the Comprehensive Africa Agriculture Development Program (CAADP) Implementation

This paper analyses the effectiveness of the dairy sectors in Kenya, Ghana and India, draws lessons from the analysis on how best CAADP principles would be implemented and suggests a framework for evaluating the potential of priority commodities in tripling intra-African trade and consequently contributing to wealth creation.

Download paper here

  •  State of Gendered Open Data Report

This study explores the state of gendered open data in 19 Anglophone African countries as a resource to help improve availability, openness and sex disaggregation of data for Sustainable development goals(SDGs).

View Country Scorecards here

  • Africa Data Revolution Report 2018

Coordinating research towards the Africa Data Revolution Report 2018


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