The worldwide push for gender equality has and continues to gain momentum to bridge existing and emerging gaps that continue to perpetuate inequality. Beyond the moral […]
While gender equality continues to be a problem across the world, there has been a coordinated effort globally to work towards bridging inequality even though there […]
The challenge of food security is one that successive Kenyan government administrations have grappled with since independence. With only 10.2% of arable land in Kenya, discussions on food […]
“Because everything is interconnected-a massive system of systems-a single disruption often triggers another, which exacerbates the effects of the first, so that the original shock […]
According to the World Bank, the African continent is home to some of the fastest growing economies in the world. However in the same breath, United […]
A great deal is changing in the media landscape in Africa. Despite the difficulties faced by journalists when covering stories of great interest to citizens and […]