18th September 2018

Bringing Open Data to Bear on Gender Inequality in Africa

The worldwide push for gender equality has and continues to gain momentum to bridge existing and emerging gaps that continue to perpetuate inequality. Beyond the moral […]
2nd August 2018

Making open data work for gender equality

While gender equality continues to be a problem across the world, there has been a coordinated effort globally to work towards bridging inequality even though there […]
11th April 2016

Revitalising CAADP Implementation: The Case of Kenya

The challenge of food security is one that successive Kenyan government administrations have grappled with since independence. With only 10.2% of arable land in Kenya, discussions on food […]
21st December 2015
A poor neighbourhood shows the damage after an earthquake measuring 7 plus on the Richter scale rocked Port au Prince Haiti just before 5 pm, January 12, 2009.

Interdependence: An Imperative Consideration for Better Data Coordination in Resilience Building

  “Because everything is interconnected-a massive system of systems-a single disruption often triggers another, which exacerbates the effects of the first, so that the original shock […]
3rd December 2015

Making Resilience Real in Africa

According to the World Bank, the African continent is home to some of the fastest growing economies in the world. However in the same breath, United […]
10th June 2015
AMI's CEO Eric Chinje and LDRI's Executive Director Muchiri Nyaggah signing an agreement on partnership between the two institutions

Using ICT & Data Literacy Towards The Africa We Want

A great deal is changing in the media landscape in Africa. Despite the difficulties faced by journalists when covering stories of great interest to citizens and […]