14th October 2017

Rural Women Key Players in the Achievement of SDGs

On October 15th, we celebrate the International Day of Rural Women. The role of women as key players in the achievement of Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) […]
9th February 2016

Meeting: Stakeholders Working Together for a Data Revolution in Kenya

The first National Forum on Harnessing the Data Revolution for Sustainable Development, or “Data Forum” as it has come to be known, was held at the […]
10th November 2015
Participants at a workshop on Resilience organised by African Media Initiative with support from Rockefeller Foundation

We Need Data for Disaster Risk Reduction & Resilience

It was the winter of 1997-1998 when the granddaddy of El Niños — the one by which all other El Niños are judged — vaulted this […]